
Thinking about Alice.

** “ Whatever Happened to Alice Monroe?” is a work of fiction hosted by Verb Theatre's BLUE LIGHT Festival 2020. To start from the beginning, go to   ** Posted May 5, 2019 There are a million theories floating around the internet about what happened to Alice, but it feels like everyone is jumping to some really insane conclusions (aliens? really?) and I don’t know why but it’s making me really sad and anxious. I guess I’m just feeling like a lot of the people posting theories about her being a lizard person or an AI or whatever are men who don’t really understand what it’s like to exist as a woman. In the world in general, but especially on the internet. There were so many awful, awful responses online when she posted about being stalked, or having her house broken into. A LOT of guys telling her she was crazy, or saying she made it up for attention (as if she didn’t already have way more of that than she wanted.) It took